BIOTROPICA / ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation) - 176 páginas : gráficas ; 26 cm. - Published four times yearly - Volume 18., Number Two., June

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Structure and Biomass of a Subtropical Dry Forest in Puerto Rico - Early Secondary Succession on Abandoned Shifting Cultivator´s plots in the Miombo of south central Africa - Announcement: Editor's New Address - Fire Sensitivity of Casuarina torulosa in North Queensland, Australia - The Origin of Bract Liquid in a Neotropical Heliconia Species - "Two bob each way": The pollination and breeding System of the Australian rain forest tree Syzygium cormiflorum (Myrtaceae) - The role of gallary forests in the Zoogeography of the Cerrado's Non-volant Mammalian Fauna - Dynamique de Population chez trois Marsupiaux Didelphides de Guyane - Ecology, Distribution, Harvest, and Conservation of the Amazonian Manatee Trichechus inunguis in Ecuador



Rev.570 / At19j 1986
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