BIOTROPICA / ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation) - 96 páginas : gráficas ; 26 cm. - Published Four times yearly - Volume 21., Number One., march

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Observations on a Commensal relationship of the microhylid frog Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata and the Burrowing theraphosid spider Xenesthis immanis in Southeastern Peru - Nitrification rates in Two Undisturbed tropical rain forests and three Slash-and-burn sites of the venezuelan Amazon - Measurement of Atmospheric deposition at tree canopy level in a subtropical premontane wet forest, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - Descomposicion del Follaje en Diversos Ecosistemas Sucesionales tropicales - Identification and distribution of C3 and C4 Grasses in Open and Shaded Habitats in Sao Paulo State, Brazil - Association of Vascular Epiphytes in a Guatemalan Cloud Forest - Announcement: Phenology Data Wanted - Seed Survival in the Palm Astrocaryum standleyanum: Evidence for Dependence upon its Seed Dispersers - Seed and Seedling Production in Pandanus tectorius - Measurement of the Dispersal of Large Seeds and Fruits with a Magnetic locator - Competition Among ants for Myrmecophytes and the Significance of plant Trichomes - Thermoregulatory Influences on the Ecology of two Sympatric Varanids in Sri Lanka



Rev.570 / At19p 1989
Recursos Repositorio Herramienta Guias Normativa

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