Medical records / Bernard Benjamin
Medical records / Bernard Benjamin - 2 - 288 páginas : ilustraciones ; 25 cm.
1. Development in the United Kingdom during the 20th century.-- 2. Medical record maintenance.-- 3. Filing systems and indices.-- 4. Management of patients as affecting medican records.-- 5. Medical secretarial services.-- 6. Evaluation of the medical record.-- 7. Disease classification and diagnostics indexing.-- 8. Medical records procedures and storange methods.-- 9. General practitioner records.-- 10. The information systems within the hospital or clinic.-- 11. The information systems beyond the hospital or clinic.-- 12. Legal considerations affecting medical records.-- 13. Standardisation of emdical records.-- 14. Plannign organisation and methods.-- 15. Reorganisation.-- 16. Computers and medical records.-- 17. Administration medical records.-- 18. Future developments.
651.5 / B4681m 1980