Optics / F. G. Smith ; J. H. Thomson

Optics / F. G. Smith ; J. H. Thomson - 289 páginas ; 21 cm.

1. The wav nature of light.-- 2.Combinstion of waves.-- 3. Fourier theory and wave groups.-- 4. wave propagation.-- 5. Polarization of light.-- 6. Geometric optics.-- 7. Aberrations.-- 8. Optcal intruments.-- 9. Interference and difraction.-- 10.Fresnel difraction.-- 11. The difraction grating and related topics.-- 12. Young`s double slit and related topics.-- 13. Interference by division of amplitude.-- 14. The resolution limits of optical intruments.-- 15. Interferometers and spectrometers.-- 16. Cohernce and correlation.-- 17. Lasers.-- 18. Holography.-- 19. Radiation by accelerated charges.-- 20. Physical precesses in refraction.-- 21. Detection of light.



617.75 / S6421o 1988
Recursos Repositorio Herramienta Guias Normativa

 Nuestras Alianzas