Classroom Decision Making:

Breen, Michael P

Classroom Decision Making: Negotiation and Process Syllabuses in Practice / Michael P. Breen - Cambridge University Press, Mar 23, 2000 - 310 páginas ; 23 cm.

1. The significance of negotiation /? Michael P. Breen and Andrew Littlejohn Pt. 1. Accounts of practice in primary and secondary schools. 2. Negotiated evaluation in a primary ESL context /? Anne MacKay, Kaye Oates and Yvonne Haig. 3. Negotiating assessment with secondary-school pupils /? Kari Smith. 4. Introducing negotiation processes: an experiment with creative project work /? Ramon Ribe. 5. 'We do what we like': negotiated classroom work with Hungarian children /? Marianne Nikolov. 6. Is a negotiated syllabus feasible within a national curriculum? /? Pnina Linder. 7. Refining negotiated classroom work in a Spanish secondary school /? Isabel Serrano-Sampedro Pt. 2. Accounts of practice in tertiary institutions. 8. Negotiation in tertiary education: clashes with the dominant educational culture /? Stefaan Slembrouck. 9. Syllabus negotiation in a school of nursing /? Elaine Martyn. 10. Negotiating the syllabus: learning needs analysis through pictures /? Eddie Edmundson and Steve Fitzpatrick. 11. Reality therapy: using negotiated work in a technical-writing class /? Wendy Newstetter. 12. Negotiation of outcome: evaluation and revision decisions in the writing curriculum /? Margaret Sokolik. 13. Learners, practitioners, teachers: diamond spotting and negotiating role boundaries /? Lucy Norris and Susan Spencer Pt. 3. Accounts of practice in teacher education. 14. A process syllabus in a methodology course: experiences, beliefs, challenges /? Suzanne Irujo. 15. Discourse, process and reflection in teacher education /? Michael McCarthy and Michael Makosch. 16. Negotiation, process, content and participants' experience in a process syllabus for ELT professionals /? Roz Ivanic. 17. Negotiation as a participatory dialogue /? Kate Wolfe-Quintero. 18. The practicalities of negotiation /? Michael P. Breen and Andrew Littlejohn.



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