Vogt, Sherry

Ecuador Land of Frogs / Sherry Vogt - 1° Ed. - 48 páginas ; 16 cm.

Factura de Educativa

Frogs have been around for the last 150 million years - since the time of the dinosaurs - yet, have remained virtually unchanged, long after the dinosaurs have disappeared! Ecuador is truly a land of frogs. This small South American country, which has been designated a megadiversity country due to its extremely high level of biodiversity per unit area. In only one hectare of rain forest in the Ecuadorian Amazon of Santa Cecilia, scientists have registered 87 species of frogs and toads - almost as many as are found in the entire United States and more than three times the number found in all of Western Europe!. A total of 409 species of frogs and toads have been formally described in Ecuador, a fact which, when considering the country as a whole, also gives Ecuador the highest frog and toad diversity per unit area of any country in the world!


986.6 / V8682 2004