Christensen, Clayton M.

The Innovator's Prescription / Clayton M. Christensen; Jerome H. Grossman; Jason Hwang - 1° Ed. - 441 páginas ; 23 cm.

Factura Educativa

1.-The role of disruptive tecnology and business model innovation in making products and services affordable and accesible 2.-The Technological enablers of disruption 3.-Disrupting the hospital Bussiness model 4.-Disrupting the businness model of the physicians practice 5.-Disruptive solutions for the care of chronic disease 6.-Integrating to make it happen 7.-Disrupting the reimbursement system 8.-The future of the pharmaceutical industry 9.-Future directions for medical devices and diagnostic equipment 10.-The future of medical education 11.-Regulartory reform and the disruption of health care



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