ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation)
- 272 páginas : gráficas ; 26 cm.
- Published four times yearly
- Volume 18., NumberThree., September
Donacion PUCE
* Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide from Deforestation in Southeast Asia;C.A. Palm, R.A. Houghton, J.M. Melillo, and D.L. Skole * Patterns in Altitudinal and Seasonal Biomass Allocation in Two Contrasting Plant Life Formsfrom a Tropical Mountain Biome;Ana G. Calero and Zdravko Baruch * A Negative Correlation between Growth and Rainfall in a Tropical Liana;John T. Longino * lsosyme Variation in Tropical Trees: Procedures and Preliminary Results;J.L. Hamrick and M.D. Loveless * Patterns of Allozyme Variation in Three Costa Rican Species of Piper;John S. Heywood and Theodore H. Fleming