BIOTROPICA / ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation) - 360 páginas : ilustraciones, gráficas ; 26 cm. - Published Four times yearly - Volume 20., Number Four., December

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Species Richness and Density of Palms in Terra firme forests of Amazonia - Age-Size relationships and growth behavior of the palm welfia georgii - Natural Mortality of Vochysia thyrsoidea in a Unburnt Cerrado Ecosystem near Brasilia - Buttress Arrangement in Pterocarpus officinalis (Fabaceae): Efeects of Crown Asymmetry and Wind - Physiological and Growth Responses to flooding of Seedlings of Hevea Brasiliensis - Patterns of Ant and Herbivore activity on five Understory Euphorbiaceous Saplings in Submontane Papua New Guinea - Nest Site and Habitat Preferences of Centris Bees in the Costa Rican Dry Forest - Food Habits of Piranhas in the Low Llanos of Venezuela - Intrapopulation Reproductive Traits of Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) at Tortuguero, Costa Rica - Female Reproductive Cycles of five Species of Snakes (Reptilia: Colubridae) From the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico



Rev.570 / At19i 1988