BIOTROPICA / ATBC (Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation) - 352 páginas : gráficas ; 26 cm. - Published Four times yearly - Volume 24., Number Two., June

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Making sense of ecological complexity: A personal and conceptual retrospective - Tropical forests and trace gases: potential interactions between tropical biology and the atmospheric Sciences - The use of stable Isotopes in studies of nutrient Cycling: Carbon Isotope Composition of amazon Varzea Sediments - Mating systems, genetic differentiation and speciation in tropical rain forest plants - Delayed greening in tropical leaves: An antiherbivore defense? - Herbivory in Australian Rain Forests, with particular reference to the canopies of doryphora sassafras (Monimiaceae) - The resource-based organization of communities - Maintenance of diversity in tropical forests - Use of Scattered resources in rain forest of humid tropical lowlands - Coevolution of food webs: parasites, predators and plant secondary compounds - Desertification control, the west african case; Prevention is better than cure - Susteinable use of west african moist forest lands - Global change, the future of biodiversity and the future of zoos



Rev.570 / At19o 1992