BIOTROPICA / ATBC (Association for Trpopical Biology and Conservation) - 276 páginas : gráficas ; 26 cm. - Published Four times yearly - Volume 28., Number Two, June


No. 2 - Patterns of tree Species Richness in Rain Forests of the Middle Caqueta Area, Colombia, NW Amazonia - Driptips Vis-a-vis Soil Types in Central Amzonia - Seasonal Patterns of leaf Growth and loss, Flowering and Fruiting on a Subtropical Central Pacific Island - Reproductive Phenology of Climbers in a Southeastern Brazilian Forest - Soil Seed banks and regeneration o tropical rain forest from milpa fields at the selva Lacandona, Chiapas, Mexico - Fire effects on a palicourea rigida (Rubiaceae) Gall Midge: A test of the plant vigor Hypothesis - Structure and Dynamics in Nepenthes madagascariensis pitcher plant Micro-Communities - The aquatic macrofauna of Water-Filled Bamboo (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Guadua) internodes in a peruvian lowland tropical forest - Color discrimination conditioning of a Wasp, Polybia occidentalis (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) - Algunos Aspectos de la Ecologia Trofica de Anolis argenteolus (Sauria: Polychridae) en una localidad de la costa suroriental de Cuba - Aportes al conocimiento de la Biologia de la Danta de Montaña, Tapirus pinchaque, en los Andes Centrales de Colombia



Rev.570 / At19 1996