Landmarks of american writing / Hennig Cohen - 295 páginas ; 20 cm.

1. William Bradford : of Plymouth Plantation / Norman S. Grabo.-- 2. Benjamin Franklin : Autobiography / Ralph L. Ketcham.-- 3. Michel-Fuillaume St. Jean de Crevecoeur : Letters from an American Farmer / Russel B. Nye.-- 4. The Federalist / Melvin K. Whiteleather.-- 5. Washington Riving : The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. / William L. Hedges.-- 6. James Fenimore Cooper : The Prairie / William H. Goetzmann.-- 7. Francis Parkman : The Oregon Trail / David Levin.-- 8. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass / Benjamin Quarles.-- 9. Edgar Allan Poe : Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque / John Seelye.-- 10. Nathaniel Hawthorne : The House of the Seven Gables / Richard Harter Fogle.-- 11. Herman Melville : The Confidence-Man / Warner Berthoff.-- 12. Henry David Thoreau : Walden


810.9 / G614l